…Casco Viejo in the front and the Panama City skyline in the back.
Panama City is not as boring as people told me. It’s a good place to start-off in Central America and thus I thought, let’s learn some Spanish and soak in some Panamanian lifestyle. This post will mainly uncover my impressions via pictures with short descriptions…
Here we go! Friends at home told me that it could make sense to learn good Spanish if you want to connect and get to know the people… And so, it’s Spanish learning time. 🙂 I found this very friendly school Casco Antiguo in Casco Viejo in old town. Very recommendable! Good teachers, easy peasy people, good learning process. Family atmosphere.
View from the spanish language school Casco Antiguo – unfortunately they will be moving a few blocks in two month:
At the school, I found the following statement about life:
Exploring Casco Viejo with some guys from the school:
José, one of the great teachers at the school – thanks for the awesome tour!
The teachers and some nice guys from the classes:
American Trade Hotel & Hall – $250 a night – not good for me and my budget. 🙂
I heard that this is the only Coca Cola Café in the world. I’d rather have a Pepsi there. 😉
We rented some bikes at this place in Casco after class to explore the area around the school:
A Casco pub at night:
Nice place called Saquella. Good Coffee and clean atmosphere:
Getting stuck twice a day – tide results on the pacific:
Panamanians love to eat fried stuff – one can see that well on some body shapes 😉
Panama City at the shore:
Again – awesome ceviche (raw fish in lemon) at the seafood market:
At the Supermarket: A liter of milk is $1,60 – not cheap at all. Fruits and vetgetables are double the price in comparison to the local market in Av Central north of Casco.
“Ein Dip, Miracle Whip.” 🙂
“Nice view” 🙂
Outside of New York Bagel Café:
A back yard in Casco where Elo and I had an outstanding fish dinner:
Met this guy, David, in a bar in Casco, Panama City. We had some beer together. He is working in health industry and taking care of his mother who has cancer. I was wondering what happiness means to him. So I asked my question. What does happiness mean to you? He said: “It’s three things: The believe in god, being healthy and being loved.” The believe in god has some spitual meaning to him which includes to be a person in favor of your heart. Love your family and be balanced within yourself. Money and material things have no meaning to him.
Parque Omar, close to Elo’s place – beautiful!
May I introduce – General Tomas Herrea 😉
Final statement 🙂
Ok, we had a nice picture session here. You cannot miss the next post – what a story! Portobelo with not so belo ending…
Hey Alex,
es ist so eine Freude für mich, deine Impressionen zu lesen. Ich hoffe du wirst einmal alle deine Eindrücke und Erlebnisse in einem Buch festhalten und die Antwort auf deine Lieblingsfrage erhalten. Bin gespannt, was du noch so alles erlebst und rausfindest. Ich bin mächtig stolz auf dich! Go wild!
Danke Martin! Mega Typ du! Dank deiner Hypnose mit dem Zimmererhammer der Persistenz musste es ja so kommen! 😉
Yeah Baby!! Danke fürs teilen Deiner Impressionen & Emotionen… Rock on!!
Immer wild! Yeah. Habe heute deinen weiblichen Zwilling im Hostel getroffen, wie aus dem Gesicht geschnitten. 😉
Hallo Alex, das ist ja nun das perfekte Fahrrad für den nächsten Transalp. Verfolge regelmäßig die Bilder von dir in Dubai in Panama und über all. Weiterhin viel Spaß schöne Grüße aus dem eiskalten Nürnberg -10° Sonne und Langlaufskifahren.
Gruß Kai Wellner
Hallo Herr Wellner, haha, mit dem Drahtesel bricht einem so einiges mehr ab. 😉 Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag und es freut mich besonders, dass Sie hier an Board sind!
Hombre lo estas pasando pipa, Carajo 🙂
En Costa Rica dicen “Pura Vida” 🙂